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顏色:以白色為主拉力:織帶1.9噸ton(薄)        織帶2.4噸ton(厚)用途:可加工成各式安全帶或吊帶或背包拉帶或其他產品 Color: White Tensile test : Ribbon (T-H)2.4ton / (T-T)1.9 ton Purpose: It can be processed into a variety of seat belts or harnesses or backpack drawstring or other                 products.


顏色:以白色為主拉力:織帶2.4噸ton        縫合處2.2噸ton 用途:吊載貨品材質:特多龍原絲---聚酯纖維的一種 Color: White Tensile test : Ribbon2.4ton                      Stitching2.2ton Purpose: Hanging goodsMaterial: Tetoron---kind of polyester


(雙層厚度)(三層厚度)(單層厚度)(雙層厚度)顏色:白色/兩條藍色/兩條紫色/兩條黃色拉力:織帶4.8噸/縫合處5.9噸ton 用途:吊載貨品材質:特多龍原絲---聚酯纖維的一種 Color: White / two lines blue / two lines  purple / two lines yellow Tensile test: Ribbon 4.8 ton / Stitching5.9 ton Purpose: Hanging goods Material: Tetoron---kind of polyester


(H-H)  圓周吊帶(厚)(H-T) 圓周吊帶(薄) 顏色:以白色為主 拉力:織帶(H-H)2.4噸ton/(H-T)1.9噸         縫合處(H-H)2.2噸ton/(H-T) 1.7噸 用途:吊載貨品材質:特多龍原絲---聚酯纖維的一種 Color: White Endurance: Ribbon (H-H)2.4ton / (H-T)1.9 ton                      Stitching(H-H)2.2ton/(H-T) 1.7ton Purpose: Hanging goodsMaterial: Tetoron---kind of polyester  


顏色:目前以兩條藍為主 功能:捆綁貨物且收拉器可節省人力。 用途:1.適用於貨車裝載貨物時綑綁          2.一般物品的捆綁材質:特多龍原絲---聚酯纖維的一種 Color: two lines blue Function: Bundle of goods and income puller can save manpower. Purpose: 1. Bundled apply to trucks when loading cargo.                 2.Bundled general items. Material: Tetoron---kind of polyester


說明 功能:整條具有延展性,包覆性強,可增加腰部肌肉的束縛力與支撐力。 用途:可束腰、束臀與束大腿,推薦給產後束臀、減肥式束腹、長時間站立者、長            時間坐立者、搬重物工作者等。最輕便的束腰帶!材質:         特多龍 :  30%      尼 龍:40%         彈性紗:30% DirectionsFunction: Complete ductility and good covering can increase back                  muscle binding force and support force. Purpose: Can be used in the waist, abdomen, buttocks and thighis. It is recommended to                 postpartum women, weight loss formula corset, prolonged sitting or standing                 by  and so on. It is the most lightweight lumbar supporter! Material:                  Terelene      : 30%                Nylon          : 40%                  Elastic fiber  : 30%


說明 功能:整條具有延展性,不同以往傳統形式,採用高品質伸縮黏扣帶做為支撐與氈黏,好撕好黏        不易起毛球,包覆性強,可增加腰部肌肉的束縛力與支撐力。 用途:可束腰、束臀與束大腿,推薦給產後束臀、減肥式束腹、長時間站立者、長            時間坐立者、搬重物工作者等。最輕便的束腰帶!材質:         特多龍 :  40%      尼 龍:30%         彈性紗:30% DirectionsFunction: Complete malleable, different traditional forms in the past. High quality panted                  elastic loop as a support and felt sticky, it is good to take off and stick.Doesn't                  get hairballs easily. Good air permeability and good covering can increase back                  muscle binding force and support force. Purpose: Can be used in the waist, abdomen, buttocks and thighis. It is recommended to                 postpartum women, weight loss formula corset, prolonged sitting or standing                 by  and so on. It is the most lightweight lumbar supporter! Material:                  Terelene      : 40%                Nylon          : 30%                  Elastic fiber  : 30% 專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !


專利束腰Lumbar support 專利字號Patent number: M494597 說明 功能:整條具有延展性,不同以往傳統形式,採用高品質伸縮黏扣帶做為支撐與氈黏,好撕好黏         不易起毛球,透氣性佳包覆性強,可增加腰部肌肉的束縛力與支撐力。 用途:可束腰、束臀與束大腿,推薦給產後束腰或束臀、減肥式束腹、腰部痠痛預防者長時間站        立者、長時間坐立者、搬重物工作者等。輕便透氣!最適合在夏季穿戴。 材質: 材質1 材質2 竹 炭:25% 棉  :25%尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% 棉  :50%尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% DirectionsFunction: Complete malleable, different traditional forms in the past. High quality panted                  elastic loop as a support and felt sticky, it is good to take off and stick.Doesn't                  get hairballs easily. Good air permeability and good covering can increase back                  muscle bindingforce and support force. Purpose: Can be used in the waist, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. It is recommended to                 postpartum women, weight loss formula corset, waist ache by, prolonged                 sitting or standing by , moving heavy objects workers and so on. It                 is breathable! Material: Material  1 Material  2 Charcoal yarn: 25% Cotton      : 25% Nylon    : 20% Elastic fiber    : 30% Cotton        : 50%Nylon          : 20% Elastic fiber: 30%  專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !


說明 功能:採用高品質伸縮黏扣帶做為氈黏,好撕好黏不易起毛球,透氣性佳包覆性強,可增加腰部        肌肉的束縛力與支撐力。 用途:束腰,適合腰部保健者、長時間站立者、搬重物者等,較輕便透氣!適合夏天季節穿戴。          材質:          棉  :50%         尼 龍:25%         彈性紗:25%Directions: Function: High quality panted elastic loop as a felt sticky, it is good to take off and stick .                  Doesn't get hairballs easily. Good air permeability and good covering can                  increase back muscle binding force and support force. Purpose: Can be used in the waist. Such as waist ache by, prolonged sitting or standing                 by  , moving heavy objects workers and so on. It is breathable! For the                 summer season wear.Material:                 Cotton      : 50%                 Nylon        : 25%                 Elastic fiber    : 25% 專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !


  說明 功能:採用高品質伸縮黏扣帶做為氈黏,好撕好黏不易起毛球,透氣性佳包覆性強,可增加腰部        肌肉的束縛力與支撐力。 用途:束腰,適合腰部痠痛保健者、長時間站立者、搬重物者等,較輕便透氣!適合夏天季節               戴。材質:          竹 炭:20%         棉  :30%         尼 龍:25%         彈性紗:25% Directions: Function: High quality panted elastic loop as a felt sticky, it is good to take off and stick .                  Doesn't get hairballs easily. Good air permeability and good covering can                  increase back muscle binding force and support force. Purpose: Can be used in the waist. Such as waist ache by, prolonged sitting or standing                 by  , moving heavy objects workers and so on. It is breathable! For the                 summer season wear.Material:                 Charcoal yarn: 20%                 Cotton      : 30%                 Nylon        : 25%                 Elastic fiber    : 25% 專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !            


說明 功能:採用高品質伸縮黏扣帶做為氈黏,好撕好黏不易起毛球,透氣性佳包覆性強,可增加腰部        肌肉的束縛力與支撐力。 用途:束腰,適合腰部痠痛保健者、長時間站立者、搬重物者等,較輕便透氣!適合夏天季節               戴。材質:          竹 炭:20%         棉  :30%         尼 龍:25%         彈性紗:25%Directions: Function: High quality panted elastic loop as a felt sticky, it is good to take off and stick .                  Doesn't get hairballs easily. Good air permeability and good covering can                  increase back muscle binding force and support force. Purpose: Can be used in the waist. Such as waist ache by, prolonged sitting or standing                 by  , moving heavy objects workers and so on. It is breathable! For the                 summer season wear.Material:                 Charcoal yarn: 20%                 Cotton      : 30%                 Nylon        : 25%                 Elastic fiber    : 25% 專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !


              說明 功能:採用透氣棉質基材並結合專利伸縮黏扣帶所設計的美胸拉背帶,簡易穿戴有效拉背與防止        胸部外擴。亦可纏繞腰部作加壓束帶與纏繞於膝蓋上適合舉重訓練保護膝蓋。 用途:穿戴於胸部,繞過背部做交叉拉提,有效拉背與防止胸部外擴。穿戴於腰部,可作纏繞式        加壓增加腰部肌肉支撐力,亦可做為減肥式纏繞。穿戴於膝蓋上,有效支撐膝蓋,適合舉        重訓練時穿戴。 材質: 材質一 材質二 竹 炭:25% 棉  :25% 尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% 棉  :50% 尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30%  Directions Function:The pull back band use breathable cotton substrate and the patented elastic                  loop. Wear simple and effective pull back and prevent breast external                  expansion. It also can use for wrapping the waist or knee. Purpose: 1. Pull back and prevent breast external expansion.                                   2.Wear on waist: wrapping pressure increase back muscle support force, it can                                              also be used as weight loss band.                 3.Wear on knee: effective support for the knee, when worn for weight training. Material: Material  1 Material  2 Charcoal yarn:25% Cotton      :25% Nylon             :20% Elastic fiber    :30% Cotton      :50% Nylon          :20% Elastic fiber :30%  專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !


說明 功能:採用透氣棉質基材並結合專利伸縮黏扣帶所設計的新型專利護踝,纏繞式拉提可減緩肌肉        拉扯,適合跆拳或運動用護踝。 用途:穿戴於腳踝關節上,纏繞拉提效果減緩肌肉拉扯,適合垂足症患者及腳踝肌肉疼痛者,跆        拳護踝或重訓護踝亦可。 材質: 材質一 材質二 竹 炭:25% 棉  :25% 尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% 棉  :50% 尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30%  Directions  Function:  The new patented one use breathable cotton substrate and combined with the patented                    elastic loop . Winding design can reduce muscle pull. Purpose: Can reduce muscle pull, for patients with foot drop and ankle muscle pain, weight training                 ,taekwondo and so on. Material Material  1 Material  2 Charcoal yarn:25% Cotton       :25% Nylon              :20% Elastic fiber     :30% Cotton   :50% Nylon          :20% Elastic fiber :30%  專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !


專利護膝Kneepad 專利字號Patent number: M503928 說明 功能:採用透氣棉質基材並結合專利伸縮黏扣帶所設計的新型專利護踝,交叉拉提效果可減緩肌         肉拉扯,適合垂足症患者及腳踝疼痛者。 用途:穿戴於腳踝關節上,交叉拉提效果可減緩肌肉拉扯,適合垂足症患者及腳踝肌肉疼痛者,        跆拳護踝或重訓護踝亦可。 材質: 材質1 材質2 竹 炭:25% 棉  :25%尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% 棉  :50%尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% Directions  Function:The new patented one use breathable cotton substrate and combined with the                  patented elastic loop . Crossover design make Lifting effect, can reduce muscle                  pull. Suitable for patients with foot drop and ankle pain. Purpose:Can reduce muscle pull, for patients with foot drop and ankle muscle pain,                weight training ,taekwondo and so on. Material: Material  1 Material  2 Charcoal yarn: 25% Cotton      : 25% Nylon    : 20% Elastic fiber    : 30% Cotton        : 50%Nylon          : 20% Elastic fiber: 30% 專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔! Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight ! 


 (適合跑步運動時穿戴) 穿戴示範:說明功能:採用透氣棉質基材並結合專利伸縮黏扣帶與特製矽膠的護膝,具有防跌撞功能,穿戴輕便         亦可保護膝關節。 用途:跑步、健走、騎單車或打球時皆可穿戴,可減緩關節間的撞擊力道並保護膝關節。 材質: 材質   1 材質 2 竹 炭:20% 棉  :20% 尼 龍;20% 彈性紗  :30% 矽膠      : 10% 棉  :40%尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% 矽膠     : 10% DirectionsFunction:The new patented one use breathable cotton substrate and combined with the                 patented elastic loop . Winding design can reduce muscle pull. Purpose:Can reduce muscle pull, for patients with foot drop and ankle muscle pain,                 weight training ,taekwondo and so on. Material: Material  1 Material  2 Charcoal yarn: 20% Cotton       :20% Nylon      : 20% Elastic fiber    : 30%Silicone          : 10% Cotton        : 40% Nylon          : 20% Elastic fiber : 30% Silicone        :10%   專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔!Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !


 穿戴示範:1膝蓋上(適合走路時穿戴)   2大腿(減肥塑型)    3小腿(跑步運動)穿戴步驟: 專利護膝Kneepad 專利字號Patent number: M503928說明  功能:採用透氣棉質基材並結合專利伸縮黏扣帶所設計的新型專利護膝,1.可穿戴於膝蓋上,可        增加支撐性並減緩關節間的摩差,走起路來更省力;2.可穿戴於膝蓋下方的小腿,減緩        靜脈曲張,3.亦可穿戴於大腿上做局部加壓。用途:1穿戴於關節上,包覆住關節可降低關節活動性,搭配支撐板可強效固定。         2.可穿戴於膝蓋上走起路來更省力,亦可穿戴於膝蓋下方的小腿,跑步時可增加肌耐力。         3.可穿戴於大腿上做減肥式加壓。  材質: 材質1 材質2 竹 炭:25% 棉  :25%尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% 棉  :50%尼 龍:20% 彈性紗:30% Directions Function: Breathable cotton substrate and combined with the patented elastic loop to                  design the new patented kneepad. Wearable on the knee, can increase the                  support of the knee and  reduce joint friction force .That can make walking                  more effort. Wearable below the knee, can reduce varicose veins. Wearable on                  the thigh, can do local pressure. Purpose: 1.Wear on the joints, covering live joints  can reduce joint mobility, with support                    plate can be fixed powerful.                 2. Wearable on the knee walking with less effort,can also be worn on the lower                     leg below the knee, increase muscular endurance while running.                 3. Wearable on thigh for lose weight formula pressure. Material: Material  1 Material  2 Charcoal yarn: 25% Cotton      : 25% Nylon    : 20% Elastic fiber    : 30% Cotton        : 50%Nylon          : 20% Elastic fiber: 30% 專利毛面設計材質特殊,穿戴時勾面與毛面結合處須下壓才會黏得緊喔! Patented design with special material loop,need to pressurize adhesive will stick tight !
